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The number of successful reports of national major projects reached a new record high in the whole year

作者:IIE  来源:本站  发布日期:2020-10-22

  According to the 2019 National Social Science Fund Major project approval list released by the National Office of Philosophy and Social Science work on December 4, five projects of OUR university have been approved, with the approval rate reaching 50%, ranking first among similar universities in China.

  In addition, upon the approval of the national philosophy and social science work leading group, our international economic research institute professor ZhuangRui, wen-bin xia, professor at the school of marxism, international economic and trade institute professor Cui Fan, China academy of world trade organization Yang Rongzhen professor and professor li Yang has been approved by the 2019 annual national social science fund research special project. So far, our school has won 10 national major projects this year, breaking the record of the highest project approval in 2018 and setting a new record again.